SQL Server List All Tables: A Comprehensive Guide : cybexhosting.net

Greetings, fellow SQL enthusiasts! In this article, we’ll be examining how to list all tables in SQL Server. Knowing how to retrieve a list of tables in a database is an essential skill for any programmer or analyst dealing with SQL Server. We’ll be covering a variety of methods to suit different needs, including querying system tables, using built-in functions, and using third-party tools. By the end of this article, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to list all tables in SQL Server.

Method 1: Querying System Tables

One of the most straightforward methods to retrieve a list of tables in SQL Server is by querying system tables. SQL Server stores metadata about all objects in system tables, which we can access to obtain information about our tables. Here’s an example query to retrieve a list of tables:

Query Description
SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = ‘BASE TABLE’ This query selects the schema and name of all table objects in the database.

Let’s break down this query. The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES view contains a row for each table in the database. We select the TABLE_SCHEMA and TABLE_NAME columns from this view, which respectively provide the schema and name of each table. We filter the results to only include base tables by using the TABLE_TYPE column and specifying the 'BASE TABLE' value. This query produces a result set that lists all tables in the database.


What is a system table?

A system table is a table that stores metadata about objects in the database. System tables are used to keep track of database objects such as tables, views, indexes, and stored procedures.


The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES view is a system view that provides metadata about tables in a database. It contains a row for each table in the database, including system tables.

How can I filter the results to include only certain tables?

You can modify the WHERE clause in the query to filter the results based on specific criteria. For example, to retrieve only tables in a particular schema, you can add a condition to filter by the TABLE_SCHEMA column.

Method 2: Using Built-In Functions

If you prefer to use built-in functions instead of querying system tables, SQL Server provides several functions to retrieve information about tables. One such function is sp_tables, which returns a list of tables and their associated properties.

Query Description
sp_tables This stored procedure returns a list of tables and their associated properties.

The sp_tables stored procedure returns a result set that lists all tables in the current database, along with information such as the schema, table type, and owner. You can also specify optional parameters to filter the results based on specific criteria, such as schema or table name.


What is a stored procedure?

A stored procedure is a precompiled set of SQL statements that can be executed multiple times. Stored procedures can take input parameters and return output parameters, and can be used to encapsulate complex logic or operations.

What is the syntax for calling a stored procedure?

To call a stored procedure, you can use the EXECUTE statement followed by the name of the stored procedure and any input parameters. For example, to execute the sp_tables stored procedure, you can use the following syntax:

Query Description
EXECUTE sp_tables This statement executes the sp_tables stored procedure.

Can I use other functions besides sp_tables to retrieve information about tables?

Yes, SQL Server provides several other built-in functions for retrieving information about tables, such as OBJECT_ID, OBJECT_NAME, and OBJECTPROPERTY. You can use these functions in combination with other SQL statements to obtain more specialized information about tables.

Method 3: Using Third-Party Tools

While SQL Server provides several built-in methods to retrieve a list of tables, you may find that third-party tools offer more convenience and flexibility. There are several third-party tools available for SQL Server that allow you to retrieve information about tables with a graphical user interface. Here are a few popular options:

Tool Description
SQL Server Management Studio Microsoft’s official SQL Server management tool, which provides a comprehensive graphical interface for managing SQL Server databases.
Toad for SQL Server A third-party tool from Quest Software that provides advanced database management and development features, including a visual database browser.
DbVisualizer A cross-platform database management tool that provides a visual interface for viewing and editing database objects.

Using a third-party tool can save you time and effort in retrieving a list of tables, especially if you need to perform more advanced operations on your database.


Are third-party tools safe to use?

As with any software, it’s important to ensure that third-party tools are reputable and trustworthy before using them on your system. Be sure to research the tool and its developers thoroughly before downloading and installing it.

What are some advantages of using a third-party tool?

Third-party tools often provide more advanced features and a more user-friendly interface than built-in SQL Server tools. They may also offer additional functionality, such as data visualization, automation, or integration with other systems.

Can I use a third-party tool to modify my tables?

Yes, most third-party tools provide functionality for modifying database objects such as tables. However, it’s important to exercise caution when modifying your database, as improper changes can result in data loss or corruption.


Listing all tables in SQL Server is a fundamental task for anyone working with databases. In this article, we’ve explored several methods for retrieving a list of tables, including querying system tables, using built-in functions, and using third-party tools. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced SQL programmer, knowing how to list tables is an essential skill that will save you time and effort in your database operations.

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